Cohort 4 (2022-2026)

Siwenyue Zhang

Institution: Durham University

Project Summary: Neutrophils are white blood cells that rapidly identify, ingest and kill bacteria. However, little is known about the immediate physical processes occurring when neutrophils first meet bacteria, and how these vary in health and during severe infection. We shall address this gap by combining expertise and simultaneously imaging real-time bacterial ingestion (Girkin), probing
changes in neutrophil mechanics (Aufderhorst- Roberts), and studying chemical changes in neutrophils (Simpson). The student will visualise bacterial ingestion, probe the neutrophil’s mechanical properties, and link these to functional changes in neutrophils from healthy people and patients. Abnormalities detected will be exploited (Hubbard) for new therapeutic treatments.

Interesting Fact: I spent one week getting my first drivering licence in California and drove from Los Angles to Las Vegas right away.